WP Wagner Catchment PD

Edmonton School District, Alberta Canada, October 2014 


Morning Session: Starting with Students 

Jen will give an overview of data literacy get teachers thinking about why using data in a literate fashion is important to student learning in their classrooms.  This process is not about gathering data; it’s about using data to better define and respond to the needs of students.  Outcomes - Teachers will be able to: 1) Define what it means to be data literate, 2) Articulate how being literate can help them be more student-centered, and 3) Generate questions that will help them better meet the needs of students.    

Slides: Starting with Students (PDF) 


Morning Session: Framing Instruction 

The truth is that teachers swim in all kinds of relevant, useful data every day.  In this session we’ll examine a framework of four types of data that are critical for seeing and reaching learners, and reframe which data teachers need when.  During this session Jen will share samples from her own classroom work to inspire teachers’ thinking.  Outcomes - Teachers will be able to: 1) Articulate why it is important to look at all four types of data when making instructional decisions, and 2) Map current data sources.  

Slides: Framing Instruction (PDF)
Handout: Data Map (Word) 


Afternoon Session: Using the Right Data  

To wrap up the day in this third hour, Jen will show teachers how to design (and document) specific instructional interventions for individual students based on the four types of data.  Jen will help teachers think through the move from eliciting data to tracking and giving feedback that maximizes student learning.  Outcomes – Teachers will be able to: 1) Use four types of data to design an instructional intervention, 2) Prioritize data that need to be tracked, and 3) Critique and improve current feedback/grading practices. 

Slides: Using the Right Data (PDF)
Handout: Student Intervention Action Sheet (Word)